Hi there! White, cisgender, unlabeled lgbtq. She/her or xe/xem. I am a communist (like actually, dm me if you ever want to get into leftism!) I make kms jokes and will tell you to die if you’re a bigot. I don’t care about sexual jokes but if you do it to a minor I will eat you. I don’t care about pqrts. I will call out bigotry on the tl. I probably won’t tag nsfw or drama unless it’s a photo. A lot of my account is not serious, I don’t always use tone indicators but you can just ask and I’ll definitely clarify!
DNF: if you support schlatt, a6d, cmc, fitz, kaceytron. If you’re a republican. If you main sleepytwt or coraltwt or stan fundy, connoreatspants, eret, techno, or minx. If you’re younger than 15.
I don’t stan any ccs anymore LOL but I like my mutuals so I’m just here